Although Tenley and Jaxon are basically thirteen months old now...they did have a birthday and would like to share it with you. Here are a few fun pics from their Monkey Beach Bash held at Grandma and Grandpa Buma's house. We started out with dinner for everyone...
Naturally cake as well...
Games! How can you not have a pinata?
And they were spoiled with presents. These kids are so loved.
They loved their cake and were so willing to get messy.
We just wanted to thank everyone who came and made it so much fun. We are very lucky to have such great family and friends.

holy SHIZ! A post, and all by yourself! It was fun going to the mall the other day. Love you guys. I miss those babies already.
Wahoo!! I am so happy to see that you posted some new stuff. I wish I could have been at their party. It looks like it was so cute. I think your kids are adorable and it was so fun spending some time with you guys this summer! Keep up the posts. It's so fun!
Melanie! your babies are so cute i wish i could see them more.
Happy Birthday, my best buddy!! Love you.
Found your blog from Whitneys and now I'm going to check on you regularly, so please post!!It's so fun to see you and your darling little family!
i am sorry to say this, but - i gave up checking your blog along time ago! but i think i might have to pick it up again - of course, no expectations, but i will check up on you every once in a while - maybe i will get lucky!
your kids are adorable! i can't believe you have twins, i am so impressed with moms that do twins - i would go insane!!!!
we should get together sometime. it would be fun to catch up and adult interaction is always a bonus!
what's your e-mail? we can exchange numbers...
Happy birthday! I hope it was awesome! we love you!
Hey what a fun party! You can't go wrong with a pinata! Just teach those kiddos not to hit people in the back of the head. :) But then again I guess it's not their fault when they are blind-folded. I hope all is well and not to mention a Happy Birthday to you. It kind of sucks that we are getting older. :)
Mel~ I have never seen pictures of your little babies! I can't believe they are 1 years old now and they are seriously so incredibly cute! You guys make beautiful babies. You look awesome too!!!
i tagged you mel, but i know blogging sucks.
Ok, you make me more excited than anyone to have twins!!!! Your little Tenley and Jaxon are so freaking adorable!!! I would love to get together with you soon. Can you do lunch Thursday? If not, when are you available next week?
How are you? Have you had the baby? I don't know if I ever emailed you back about the big beds and potty training. Email me at and we will chat. Best of luck with the new baby! I hope those twinners behave for you...
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